Future of Jewish
The Future of Jewish
Jewish Hot-Takes on TikTok, With Miriam Anzovin

Jewish Hot-Takes on TikTok, With Miriam Anzovin

Anzovin became a social media sensation thanks to her hot-take reactions of the Talmud and other Jewish texts.

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Raunchy TikTok Talmud tidbits spark slut-shaming and heated discourse | The  Times of Israel

Miriam Anzovin became a TikTok sensation thanks to her hot-take reactions of the Talmud and other Jewish texts, “locally sourced from a millennial brain” — with the goal of making Judaism sparkle for everyone — religious and non-religious Jews alike.

The Future of Jewish is a podcast hosted by Joshua Hoffman, the founder of JOOL. In each episode, Joshua is joined by top leaders, thinkers, and doers who are paving the path for a promising Jewish future.

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Future of Jewish
The Future of Jewish
Join host Joshua Hoffman, author of the book "The Future of Jewish," as he interviews guests about the future of Judaism, Jewish life, Jewish Peoplehood, and Israel.